Yang style 24 step in China training with my teacher, Master Ou Hai Bing


Who can do Tai Chi?

Tai Chi can benefit any age group, it is a misconception that it is just for the elderly or those that have health challenges.

Can I learn from a book or do I need a teacher?

This answer to this is that in the beginning you need a teacher they can help to correct you and show you the proper body alignments and ways to move in Tai Chi as it is very specific in its requirements. No beginner should attempt to learn from the internet or YouTube until they have had extensive training from a qualified teacher, I mean by this statement the teacher in question should have a very deep understanding or at the very least a decade of experience in tai chi and qi gong

How long will it take me to learn Tai Chi?

The straight answer is it will take awhile to iron out your bad habits and bad postural alignments, if you were to practice every day or even every other day you will progress so much faster. It takes time for the body to adjust to the practice but when it does you will have much better flexibility and healthier internal organ health. The training also helps the mind aspect of your being.

How long is each class?

A typical class is between 1 hour 30 mins in duration, my longest Tai Chi class is 2 Hours on a Saturday morning. I do some seminars which last 4 hours as well.

Is it suitable for me?

Regardless of age Tai chi and qi gong are suitable for all ages and the sooner you start the sooner you can reap the many benefits of these ancient practices.

I have a health issue can I still learn tai chi and qigong?

I have many people that have challenges as I like to call them and back issues, to more serious one like cancer and MS they report that before starting tai chi there bodies are weak and disconnected but after only a short amount of time they regain their strength and start to feel better, tai chi and qigong are not aerobic so in that sense at least you are not increasing blood pressure and by doing things slowly and mindfully you will improve your health in a gentle relaxed way.

Do your students stick with you and like your teaching?

Yes I have many students who have been with me for long periods of time, some when I was teaching for my teacher, They even refused to be moved up to the higher groups because of the way i explained things.

Do you have Reviews?

Yes I have some on google and my school has a 5 star rating.

Are the classes all the same and do I just copy you?

I don’t want you to copy me exactly but learn the movements and make them your own. Every class is different but the Tai chi will be the same. As you get to learn the form you will progress at your own rate and some people learn faster than others. I know many Form practices and Qi gong methods, I myself find variety keeps things fresh, I teach the theory as well as the movements. Try to stick to the principles I teach as they are the best guidelines for practice, but essentially your body may be limited in some way so make all movements your own interpretation. This certainly applies to the Qi Gong and Neigong which is varied, Chen and Yang Tai chi are very specific in their structure so are a lot more stricter in their deliberation.

Do I need Experience?

No experience needed, If you have learned some before though it can only help.

Do all Tai chi Instructors teach the same things?

Absolutely not we have had different teachers, some are authentic like my teacher’s from China (Master Wang Hai Jun) and Master Ou Hai Bing). They are Masters in Chen style Taiji and their teachers are members of the Chen family (Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei) and coaches for China (Grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang)

My Teacher Master Ou Hai Bing has taught me Chen, Yang 24 and Hun Yuan 24 Taiji xingyi Qigong… I am his inner door disciple a great honour for a Westerner… I am also being taught Prana Dynamics by Howard Wang from Taiwan he teaches me the internal side and energetics of what he calls a dying art that he is striving to revive.

So my view is that not everyone comes with this level of understanding, some come from harder external styles and can only teach the movements to Tai Chi but can never get that softness and elasticity combined in oneness that gives Tai chi its Internal martial arts label.

How much does it cost for a Term?

£140 this entitles you to unlimited weekday classes.

Is there a Drop in option?

Yes it costs £15.

Do I teach at Events or Corporate sessions?

Yes I teach at events and clubs, corporate sessions are £80 - £100 depending on distance and duration.

The main question for most is do I teach tai chi as a martial art or for health benefits.

I teach tai chi for health especially in the class settings, not many people realize that tai chi is a martial art and it takes a really long time to learn applications in tai chi, if your teacher ever teaches you that side at all. We do learn push hands or twisting hands which involves partner work to help develop listening skill in tai chi. listening is for putting your mind into your body to develop Sung! a very transformative state of mind that helps soften the muscles using intention. Sung or song is what makes tai chi truly unique. Sung develops the slow meditative quality of tai chi needed for feeling awareness of the internal structure of the human body. Learning this skill is essential so you can let gravity do its work in turn helping release the muscles.

In short we practice Tai chi for health and balance.

I am ill so cannot attend a class during my term what do I do, can I take another class during the same week?

Yes you may have as many classes as you like per week. unlimited really does mean that! If you take your health seriously and wish to progress faster taking a few classes a week is essential to your learning.

Do the unlimited classes cover the weekends?

No sadly not, My Saturday or Sunday classes are not term based they are little seminars to gain more knowledge and practice principles and techniques we don’t have time to cover in more depth in class.